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Cutlery Pouch

Cork Cutlery Pouch

3370603 – Cork Leather, Stripes
1945040 – UHU Kraft Adhesive
1402404 – Wooden Clothes Pegs
4900100 – Oaki Doki Bias Binding Tape
9586205 – Transparent Craft Glue
2004228 – Waxed Cotton Cord
2523308 – Smyrna Needle

1. Cut a 45 x 10 cm piece of cork leather. Fold over 10 cm at one end and stick it with UHU Kraft glue. Use wooden pegs to hold it together whilst it dries.


2. Fold a piece of Oaki Doki bias binding tape over the opposite end. Apply a thin layer of transparent glue to the cork leather to stick the tape in position. Hold it there whilst it dries with wooden pegs. The Oaki Doki binding should be flush with the cork.

Tip: To ensure that the tape doesn’t fray over time make sure that the edges are firmly stuck.


3. Draw a heart on grid paper using crosses as a template for the cross stitch decoration. Place the pouch on the felt pad. Use masking tape to fix the template on top of the cork beneath the binding. Use the awl to pierce the corners of all the crosses. Remove the paper template and, if necessary, re-pierce the holes in the cork. Cut a 240 cm piece of waxed cotton cord and tie a knot in one end. Thread the smallest Smyrna needle with the cotton and pass the needle up from the back through the bottom left hole. Create little cross stitches until the heart is created. Tie the cord off at the back with another knot and trim the excess cord.

4. Apply a line of UHU glue down either side on the back of the cork leather (approx. 26cm long). Fold the leather in two, pressing the edges together. Hold it in place with clips until the glue has dried.